Here is where the Cards stand so far:


Marcus Riley joins the list!!


Jared Goldwire is a Card!!

Jatavious Harris makes it official !!


Telly Plummer is a Card!!


Yasir is a Card!!!


Allen Love is officially a Cardinal!!


Demji makes it official!!

Welcome to the Ville Thurman!!


Dual-threat QB  Jordan Travis makes it official, heading to Louisville


Tyler Harrell is a Card!!


Nigel Kilby has signed!!!!


Quentavion Head joins the fold!!!


Trenell Troutman makes it official, signs with Louisville!!!

Robert Hicks is officially at Card!!

Adonis Boone is the first one to fax his letter of intent.   Welcome to the Ville!!


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LJ Nesbitt

The BHK. Writer for , 1/2 of the TCZ Podcast. Surviving in the great city of Louisville, in the not so great state of KY. Loui$ville KY

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