Read the report here:


This is the 1st incident that led to Chris Jones suspension vs. Syracuse.

The report reads that a Female visited Chris Jones’ apartment and waited for him to return for 3 hours.  Once she left his apartment without Jones returning home, she trashed (quoted as ‘messed up’) Jones’ apartment.

Chris then sent her a text, which the unnamed female reported to police, at 2 p.m. the next day on February 17th (the day before the Syracuse game) that Jones would: “Smack TF (the F*%&) out of her”.

Police took the report at the Province Apartments, presumably where the victim resides. The victim asked that no charges be filed for Jones’ harassment.

A second incident that followed his suspension led to his dismissal….we’ve heard all the rumors and will wait until UofL Police (or LMPD) files its report.


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