Montrezl Harrell confirms he is coming back to Louisville, and Louisville fans rejoiced.

  • Sure, he wants to max his potential under Rick Pitino to become the highest draft pick possible – all fine and dandy.
  • Sure, this bumps Louisville up to contender status which about 10 teams per year achieve – all fine and dandy.

However, a man of his intimidation level can’t make this decision and not effect the world around him.

1.  Weather:  After many days of beautiful weather, the sun was afraid of being dunked on…so it left, and it snowed.

2.  Social:  Everyone in the city was checking on how Akoy Agau would take the news.  No reports.

3.  Sports:  Scientist working on a new construction for rims and backboards.

4.  Education:  The most surprising effect?  Children in school are taking note.

  • Check out this spelling contest, and furthermore – note that she got the spelling CORRECT.  Teaching her kid right that @MollyLane7



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Former D1 Player and Coach. Life long fan of the Cardinals. CR makes movies, takes photos, co-host of "The Crunch Zone" Podcast, and can be heard on ESPN680 Wednesday 7-8:30am. Follow on Twitter, Instagram, and Vine (CrumsRevenge).

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