When Teddy Bridgewater was Quarterback at the University of Louisville one thing never surfaced:  Pictures of Teddy at parties, clubs, dances.

Whenever we did see Teddy out, he was with friends….the go cart track, doing karaoke in Cardinal Town, or not out at all.  Bridgewater’s persona was on the football field. Hugging his mom in the stands, hugging Shawn Watson, throwing Touchdowns, alluding defenders.

But this week, Teddy put on a new face:  Grand Marshall of the Pegasus Parade, appearances at various parties Derby Eve, “Rider’s UP” Call for the 141st Kentucky Derby, and last night he took Christian Academy High School senior Ashley Davis to Prom.

But as Eric Crawford from WDRB reports Ashley didn’t know that she had a date to prom last night….and Bridgewater flew in to Louisville from Las Vegas expressly to escort her.

In Louisville Teddy Bridgewater has done everything right……an incredible ambassador for our school and our city.

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@UofLSheriff50. Louisville native, University of Louisville Business School Grad c/o 2004. Co-Founder of TheCrunchZone.com

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