Special groups of University of Louisville football fans who may not be able to attend football games this season in Cardinal Stadium will be featured in the stadium and on social media.

Presented by Kroger, each home game “Salute to CardNation” will focus on a different group of fans who participate in spirit and are cheering remotely for the Cardinals. The fans will be featured on the in-stadium video boards and on the Cards’ social media platforms. 

Fans are encouraged to submit photos via email by Wednesday of game week at Salute@GoCards.com, providing identifying information in the subject line.  The special groups that will be recognized at each home game are listed below.

Sept. 12 vs. Western Kentucky – Salute to the Class of 2020, recognizing seniors from UofL or high schools who missed out on their graduation experience.

Sept. 19 vs. Miami – Salute to Essential Workers, providing thanks for those who keep us going including healthcare and medical personnel, public service, food and agriculture, retail and grocery, mail and delivery, and teachers.

Oct. 24 vs. Florida State – Salute to Alumni, during Homecoming Weekend, Alumni send in photos in your Cards gear.

Oct. 31 vs. Virginia Tech – Salute to Future Cardinals, send your kids photos, especially in their Halloween costumes.

Nov. 20 vs. Syracuse – Salute to Service, honoring active military personnel and veterans.

Dec. 5 vs. Wake Forest – Salute to UofL Seniors. Send  video messages thanking the football seniors and wishing them luck.

Louisville opens its football season on Saturday against Western Kentucky at 8:05 p.m. ET.

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@UofLSheriff50. Louisville native, University of Louisville Business School Grad c/o 2004. Co-Founder of TheCrunchZone.com

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