Louisville Sports: Year in Review 2014-15 from @CrumsRevenge on Vimeo.

The Louisville Cardinals wrapped up a successful first year in the ACC.

This is a 2 video, 2 narrator and 10 minute musical tribute to the 2014-15 season.

Summary: We don’t win EVERYTHING, but we have great leadership to believe in. In addition, the ups and downs the community celebrates (or suffers) together is second to none. Go Cards.

Hope you like. Go Cards.

Narrator Video 1: David Wilkinson
Music: Interstellar Trailer Music – Full Tilt
Clips: Personal, ACC, ESPN, CBS, TBS

Narrator Video 2: Paul Rogers, courtesy of Louisville Sports Properties.
Music: Fade Into Darkness – Avicii
Clips: Personal, ACC, ESPN, CBS, TBS

* Share copyrights with ACC footage, but none others. Done just for fun.

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Former D1 Player and Coach. Life long fan of the Cardinals. CR makes movies, takes photos, co-host of "The Crunch Zone" Podcast, and can be heard on ESPN680 Wednesday 7-8:30am. Follow on Twitter, Instagram, and Vine (CrumsRevenge).

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